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Live On Purpose

Jan 31, 2023

I LOVED today's conversation. Holly Duckworth is the real deal.

A psychotherapist with a PhD in psychology, an MS in management, and a BS in mechanical engineering, She is also a certified Level 3 (top level) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) Practitioner. Trained by Dolores Cannon, she has practiced...

Jan 24, 2023

It's one thing to be mindful of who you are being and how you are acting when you're around other people. We do this naturally - usually from a place of self consciousness and often, insecurity. 

But, that's not what I'm interested in.

Anybody can put on a mask for other people.

The real question is: who are you being...

Jan 17, 2023

This conversation is so timely + supportive.

It's a big ole' exhale that many people need.

"It's the fastest way to calm yourself down." - Kelly

It isn't often that I meet other humans who have read most of the same books I have and deliver mindfulness and meditation teaching in the same way as I do. In fact, up...